These scorpions are probably hiding in your bookcase | SPLOID

If you have old vintage books, you may have some book scorpions in your bookcase. Actually, you really should want to have them, even if they look scary and gross. Book scorpions protect your old books—they love to munch on the book lice that eat the glue which holds old books together.

A book scorpion or pseudoscorpion is not a true scorpion, hence its name. Theyre often mistaken for bedbugs, in fact, causing many people to kill them, which is obviously a big mistake for your collection of vintage encyclopedias. A book scorpion is also very tiny—too tiny to hurt you, so dont worry about being pinched when you pull out your original signed copy of The Metamorphosis.

READ MORE: These scorpions are probably hiding in your bookcase | SPLOID

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