A Day in the Life of a Rock ‘n’ Roll Librarian | Atlas Obscura #speciallibraries #archives  #music #careers #librarianship #skills #MLIS

THE ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME, in Cleveland, Ohio, is best known for its raucous and dramatic induction ceremonies. But it also has a quieter side: a library and archive, full of research materials, artifacts and memorabilia, and shelves and shelves of old records. Earlier this year, the Rock Hall advertised that they were looking for a new librarian, a position that, judging from the response to Atlas Obscura’s story about it, is up there on many people’s list of dream jobs.

So who got it? After a long and rigorous interview process, 34-year-old Laura Maidens started as the Rock Hall’s librarian in early September. We caught up with her about playlist inspiration, Ramones-themed prayer cards, finding secret notes from Keith Richards, and other highlights of the gig. READ MORE:  A Day in the Life of a Rock ‘n’ Roll Librarian | Atlas Obscura

You’re Considering a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science. Now What? | Information Space #MLIS #libraryschool #librarianship

You couldn’t put down that one book. In fact, you’ve reread it every summer since. Or maybe you love kids and want to be the facilitator of story time … forever. Perhaps a stroll through a history museum gives you a natural high. Or maybe you’re like me, and you stumbled into librarianship after receiving invaluable advice from a professor: “You should consider getting an MLS degree.” No matter what made you decide to pursue librarianship, welcome! READ MORE: You’re Considering a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science. Now What? | Information Space

Researching LIS Job Opportunities and Career Paths | Infonista #LIS #librarianship #employment #jobs #careers #research #resources

Whether you’re a student soon to graduate and getting ready to hit the job market, an employed professional seeking to make a job change, or a now-unemployed practitioner trying to identify or create new opportunities, LIS job hunting can be an adventure (feel free to substitute your preferred adjective here). READ: Infonista | Researching LIS Job Opportunities and Career Paths

Related: Librarianship Job Postings and Resources | infophile.ca

So You Want to Be a Librarian? | BookRiot #librarians #LIS #InfoProf #librarianship #MLIS #MIS

The comments to this post provide some great insights as well. Be sure to read these too!

Is librarianship a career you’ve been considering? Have you been told you should work in a library since you’re a huge book lover? We thought it would be worthwhile to talk about some of the awesome and some of the, err, less awesome aspects of working in libraries. These are the things you won’t learn in a glossy brochure or on a fancy website dedicated to the career. Instead, these are lessons from librarians who’ve been in the trenches. READ : So You Want to Be a Librarian? | BookRiot

Things You Can Do as a Library Student to Prepare for a Career as a Data Librarian | hls

We do so much in library school—take classes, work, study, and figure out how to market ourselves when we graduate. In this post, I’d like to talk about how I became a data librarian, and what you can learn about data while still in library school! READ: Things You Can Do as a Library Student to Prepare for a Career as a Data Librarian | hls

On the MLIS: Why I’m Getting the Library Degree | Book Riot #MLIS #libraryschool #iSchool #librarianship #careers

I liked this article except for the typos. (Guess I’m an ASSoL like that for mentioning the typos.) 🙂 

Rioter Michelle Anne Schlesinger recently wrote In Praise of Non-Degreed Librarians, a thoughtful take on why the library degree, Master’s in Library Science (MLS), isn’t a necessary requirement to being a librarian. I fully agree. Librarians can be made from on the job experience, climbing the ranks from to assistant to librarian, and in most states you don’t need a MLS to be a librarian. It’s about the passion for people and helping them find information, the customer service aspect, the love of books and reference services, organization and community involvement and interaction. In library school it’s an ongoing debate, and I look at it this way: the last time you went to the library and someone helped you out, did you ask if they had the degree?

Not everyone needs a master’s degree to be a librarian.

But I do.

READ MORE: On the MLIS: Why I’m Getting the Library Degree | Book Riot

How Master’s Degree Became New Bachelor’s In The Hiring World | Fast Company #mentoring #education #HigherEd #employment #careers #recruiting #HR

Which justifies shelling out the $$$ for my MLIS!

More employers are looking to hire candidates with advanced degrees than ever before. READ: How The Master’s Degree Became The New Bachelor’s In The Hiring World | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

I’m a #Librarian. Of #tech, not books | LITA Blog #MLIS #librarianship #careers #librarians

When someone finds out I’m a librarian, they automatically think I know everything there is to know about, well, books. The thing is, I don’t. I got into libraries because of the technology.

My career in libraries started with the take off, a supposed library replacement, of ebooks. Factor in the Google “scare” and librar*s  were going to be done forever. Librar*s were frantic to debunk that they were no longer going to be useful, insert perfect time and opportunity to join libraries and technology.

I am a Systems Librarian and the most common and loaded question I get from non-librarians is (in 2 parts), “What does that mean? and What do you do?” READ MORE: I’m a Librarian. Of tech, not books. | LITA Blog

So You Want to Be a #UX Librarian? | hls #librarians #MLIS #libraryschool #users

Are you passionate about making libraries user-centered? Maybe you love designing study or communal spaces based on the experiences of your users. Or you find joy in crafting library services that meet the unmet needs of your community. Or you love creating web experiences that are intuitive, useful, and fun for your library patrons. These are all traits of a good user experience (UX) librarian. READ MORE: [Series] So you want to be a UX Librarian? | hls

This Tool Finds [U.S.] #Colleges with the Highest #Salary for Your Field | LifeHacker #tools #compensation #education #libraryscience 

Library Science and Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services are fields of study included in this comparison tool. Tool only compares U.S. colleges.  

If you have an idea what you’d like to study, but you’re not sure where to go to school, this scorecard from the U.S. Department of Education can help. A few clicks and you can see average salaries for graduates in your field, and what the graduation rates for your school look like. READ MORE: This Tool Finds Colleges with the Highest Salary for Your Field | LifeHacker